Top 4 Ways To Promote Your Blog Through Social Media

The modern social media platforms have made the job easier to get connected to people having similar thoughts. Here are certain tips that will help you to gain new readers.


You can post your blog content or the URL of the blog post in your facebook status or can be embedded on your wall. You can even create a fan page for your blog and continue to update the same. If you believe that your friend is interested to read your blog posts but often forget to come back to your blog, you can directly post the URL in his/her wall. When you write about any other brands, you should tag them without fail. You should also create a “Like” button for your blog post and tell your readers to hit the button if they find the content impressive. You can post the URL on their wall, discussion boards, communities etc.


Image Source: Pixabay


Do you think that 140 characters can change the face of the world? Yes, it is absolutely possible and Twitter can make it. You can tweet the title and link of your blog post. It is very important to add some relevant hash tags so that your tweet might appear during the searches made by other tweeters. When you have completed your tweets, it is good to do a quick search on your keyword to check who else is speaking about the same. If anyone has asked a question on that subject, you can be the first person to answer and divert the traffic to your blog. Finding out people who are interested in conversation might help you to grow the traffic.


The traditional way to start is to place the URL of your blog posts. It supports the same functionality as Twitter to add # tags to your posts. Find out other reputed authors who are discussing on the same topic and mention them in the tag. You can call their posts to be an inspirational material and quote them in the tags. This information might attract the readers and they might actually end up in your blog to go through the information.


You can very well update the URL of the blog post in your LinkedIn account. If you really feel that you have done a good work on your blog, you can very well add them in the publication tab. Prospective readers, employers and employees will go through the link if they are interested. Make sure to install BlogLink application tool in your account.

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About Author
Sam is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechCavern.
